Siesta Key Beach Master Sand Sculpting Competition – The Siesta Key Crystal Classic


The Siesta Key Crystal classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition November 18th to the 21st.   Siesta Key Beach in partnership with Mote Marine, The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, Sand Lubbers, and Sarasota County is proud to announce the 1st annual Crystal Classic Master Sand Sans Sculpting contest with over $25,000 in prize money.  The proceeds from this event will go to benefit the Mote Marine’s Sea Turtle Conservation and Research program. 

Siesta Key Beach has been consistently ranked as either the #1 or #2 best beach in the United Sates by “Dr. Beach”  aka Dr. Stephen Leatherman.   Siesta Key Beach located on the barrier…

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Turtle Rock in Palmer Ranch Home Sells - Fast

This home located at 4919 Sabal Lake Circle in the beautiful Palmer Ranch Neighborhood of Turtle Rock was sold today.  This home was on the market for $519,000 and closed at $497,000.

Before this home was even able to be seen it was sold. 

I was in the process of having our photographer take pictures when one of my co- agents at Michael Saunders & Company called me asking about homes that I had listed in Turtle Rock.  I described this home to him and he thought it would be a perfect match for his customer.  Before we where even able to get the pictures on line his couple fell in love with the house and agreed on a price and a closing date. 

A great house on a lake in Turtle Rock SOLD in 4 hours.

When I meet with…

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