You May Owe Federal Income Taxes in 2013 if you have a Short Sale or Foreclosure
Posted by Sara Leicht - on
The following article was published January 2012Â By Donna Gehrke-White, Sun Sentinel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
WASHINGTON – Jan. 9, 2012 – You may owe federal income taxes in 2013 if you have a short sale, foreclosure after this year. Now is the time to make the hard decision: Are you going to walk away from your underwater home?
Uncle Sam is still giving homeowners until Dec. 31, 2012, to go through a short sale or foreclosure without tax consequences – as long as the lender officially releases the debt.
But on Jan. 1, 2013, the rules change: The amount a lender forgives, ether in a short sale or foreclosure, on a primary residence will be taxable on federal income taxes.
So if a house sold $50,000 short of what is owed on the mortgage, then the selling…
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